
Nevena Kokanova


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Nevena Kokanova . He's known for The Peach Thief (1964), Cyclops (1976) and Tobacco (1962).

All Movies of Nevena Kokanova

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  • Cyclops
    The main character is a Commander of a nuclear powered submarine. Once a very promising hydroacoustics expert, he sacrificed his scientific career to devoting himself to serving his homeland as a warrior. Gradually, he figures out...
    Bulgaria  1976
  • The Peach Thief
    Set towards the end of World War I, The Peach Thief tells the story of a whirlwind love affair between a Serbian Prisoner Of War, Ivo Obrenovich and a Colonel's wife, Lisa (played by the beautiful Nevena Kokanova). Lisa catches Iv...
    Bulgaria  1964
  • Tobacco
    The action takes place in a small town against the background of inter-class tension and industrial strife. Boris Morev, embittered by his miserable existence, is resolved to make it to the top as fast as possible. He leaves his g...
    Bulgaria  1962