A psychological drama set in a rain-swept Irish fishing village, God's Creatures focuses on a mother who lies to protect her son and the devastating impact that choice has on her community, her family and herself.
Sacrifice is the story of consultant surgeon, Tora Hamilton, who moves with her husband, Duncan, to the remote Shetland Islands, 100 miles off the north-east coast of Scotland. Deep in the peat soil around her new home, Tora disco...
When his life is threatened by an anonymous member of his parish during confession, virtuous Father James Lavelle (Brendan Gleeson) remains steadfast in his commitment to his congregation while attempting to comfort his delicate-m...
Ian’s life has been marked by death. As a child, he saw his father die and also found the body of a classmate who had committed suicide. As an adult, and unable to understand human behavior, he will start to relate to the bodies...
"Hereafter” tells the story of three people who are haunted by mortality in different ways. Matt Damon stars as George, a blue–collar American who has a special connection to the afterlife. On the other side of the world,...
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