When teenager Margaux bonds with seven-year-old Juliette and a local fisherman, her summer holidays turn upside down. An unusual friendship, where Margaux experiences tenderness and play, and discovers a new way to understand hers
The chronicle of a Portuguese family that owns one of the largest estates in Europe, on the south bank of the River Tagus. The Domain delves deeply into the secrets of their homestead, portraying the historical, political, economi...
The story of the adventures, in the twilight of the eighteenth century, of a singular couple formed by a little orphan with mysterious origins and his young Italian nurse of a similarly uncertain birth. They lead us in their wake,...
Diamantino, the world’s premiere soccer star loses his special touch and ends his career in disgrace. Searching for a new purpose, the international icon sets on a delirious odyssey where he confronts neo-fascism, the refugee cr...
In March 1537, Fernão Mendes Pinto escaped the misery and confines of his life and sailed to India seeking fame and fortune. This adventure film is about the trials and triumphs of an adventurer who was also a writer, traveller, ...
The family of Ana Luisa meets at home to celebrate her father’s birthday. As the guests sit around the table they will share memories of the past, in which all have a common denominator: the late Josefa, Ana Luisa’s mother. He...
Rita has it all. She is 15 years old and the summer is ahead of her. She floods the balcony floor and splashes about while soaking up the mighty sun. She has an ex-future boyfriend and an ever-present best friend. She braids her h...
About an aging Swiss professor of classical languages who, after a chance encounter with a Portuguese woman, quits his job and travels to Lisbon in the hope of discovering the fate of a certain author, a doctor and poet who fought...
After the attempts of Junot and Soult, in 1807 and 1809, Napoleon Bonaparte sent a powerful army, commanded by Marshal Massena, to invade Portugal in 1810. The French easily reached the center of the country, where the Anglo-Portu...
Paula is a humble girl. The father, for financial reasons, sends her to the convent. She obeys, but her destiny is not to dedicate her life to God. King Juan V of Portugal has an unhappy marriage and it is in the convent of Odivel...
Martinho Barros
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