1950. William Lee, an American expat in Mexico City in his early 50s, spends his days almost entirely alone, except for a few contacts with other members of the small American community. His encounter with Eugene Allerton, a young...2024
TV Miniseries (2024). 6 Episodes. Set two decades after the events of the award-winning film, the series follows the story of its characters, taking as its starting point the work of photographer Buscapé. The plot is set in the e...2024
7 episodes. A new lawyer arrives to settle in the small town of Cambados, Galicia. Her name is Ana (Clara Lago) and her presence does not go unnoticed by anyone, including Daniel (Tamar Novas), son of an important drug trafficker ...2024
Young drug dealer Pablo and his sister Appoline bond over an online game called Darknoon. Pablo falls for Night, neglecting his sister. While Appoline finishes the game, Pablo and Night become embroiled in a dangerous gang conflic2024
TV Series (2024-). The rise and fall of the Synanon organization through the eyes of the members who lived it, from its early days as a groundbreaking drug rehabilitation program to its later descent into what many consider a cult2024
8 Episodes. Joaquín Manchado is the owner of the main terminal of the port of Barcelona. This commercial access receives an average of 6,000 containers per day. Loads from all over the world that, in a period of one year, are abl...2024
Eddie Horniman is a man who unexpectedly inherits his father's huge rustic estate and discovers that he is part of a cannabis empire. To make matters worse, several gangsters in Britain are demanding a piece of the pie. Determined...2024
5.0As Neves is a Galician mountain village where everyone knows each other. On Carnival night a group of teenagers celebrate a party and get high on mushrooms for the first time. The next day they wake up to a snowstorm and the news ...2024
7.0Late 1990s. Art and culture are in full swing in Granada. Against that background, an indie band is about to change the music scene in Spain. Just before creating their new album, the band is going through its worst possible momen2024
5.0Cash is trying to live an honest and quiet life, but when Appalachian drug kingpin Big Cat forces him back into her services, he proves capable of anything to protect the town and the only family he has left.2024
An intersex sex worker fight for survival in New Jersey after a drug deal that goes wrong upsets the equilibrium of their existence.2024
Latin sisters, Violeta and Eva, visit every summer their loving but reckless father Vicente. He creates a world of wonder but under the fun facade, he battles addiction which gradually erodes the magic, culminating in a devastatin...2024
6 Episodes. The real life of the intelligent and ambitious Colombian businesswoman Griselda Blanco, who created one of the most profitable drug cartels in history. A devoted mother, in 1970s-80s Miami the lethal mix of charm and u...2024
Drugs movies in theaters
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