A family of undercover superheroes, while trying to live the quiet suburban life, are forced into action to save the world...
Mr. Incredible is a superhero; or he used to be, until a surge of lawsuits against superheroes from the people they‘ve saved forced the government to hide them in witness protection programs so they could lead normal, anonymous lives.
Now known exclusively by his secret identity, Bob Parr, he lives with his wife Helen, formerly Elastigirl, and their three children Violet, Dash, and Jack Jack. Fed up with his job as an insurance salesman and his pushy boss, Mr Incredible jumps at the chance to play the role of hero again when tempted by a mysterious informant. But it soon turns out to be a trap set set by an old nemesis and the whole family must reveal themselves to save Mr. Incredible and countless innocents.
Cast: Brad Bird (voice), Holly Hunter (voice), Samuel L. Jackson (voice), Jason Lee (voice), Craig T. Nelson (voice), John Ratzenberger (voice), Wallace Shawn (voice)
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