It is a Russian animation project dedicated to the lullabies of various peoples of the world. In the framework of the project, several cartoons have been created, each of which represents a lullaby in the native language, while th...TV Series2
Soviet troops under the command of Georgy Zhukov in the course of three offensive operations carried out by the Soviet Union against Nazi German forces during World War II, in the city of Rzhev to protect Moscow and surround the 9...TV Movie20
Young female fighter pilots arrive to the frontline. They have different stories and different fates. They are getting older, falling in love and lose their closest ones as well as take their place in the world of men. The air has...2023
What if Cheburashka really exists? What if he is not a plush toy, but quite a real furry animal that lives in an orange grove in a distant country?2023
Chronicles how loader Roman Shtorkin becomes a vampire and receives the title of Rama II.2023
5.0A young cat named Vincent, in the company of Maurice the mouse, escapes from the flood in an old harpsichord, which is picked up by sailors and sent to St. Petersburg, where it ends up in the Hermitage. There, Vincent meets an eli...2023
The naïve Maris joins the Wehrmacht during the Nazi occupation of the Baltic states, together with his brother and several others from the village. The barracks are in a monastery, and Maris – whom everyone views as a fool – ...2022
4.0Dolphin Snowball rescues a little boy in the waves who survived a plane crash. Since then, friends, almost brothers, carelessly grow up together, exciting the marine life with their funny tricks. Until one day the peace of their j...2022
Actors from Russia
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