
Ariel awards 1984


The 26th edition of the Ariel awards of the Mexican Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences (AMACC) was held on June 25, 1984 in Mexico City, Mexico, awarding the best films of the year 1983.


The movie with the most nominations at the Ariel 1984 was Bajo la metralla with 7 nominations and The film that won the most awards was Bajo la metralla , winning 4 of the 7 nominations.

Discover all the data and statistics about the Ariel awards

To below is the complete list of the nominees and winners of the 1984 Ariel Awards.

See awards for film

What was the movie that won the Ariel for Best Picture 1984?

The winning film of the Ariel for Best Picture 1984 was Bajo la metralla

Best Picture

Who won the Ariel for Best Director in 1984?

The director who won the Ariel for Best Director in 1984 was Felipe Cazals, for the film Bajo la metralla

Best Director

Who won the Ariel for Best Leading Actor in 1984?

The actor who won the Ariel for Best Leading Actor in 1984 was Humberto Zurita, for the movie Bajo la metralla

Best Leading Actor

Who won the Ariel for Best Leading Actress in 1984?

The actress who won the Ariel for Best Leading Actress in 1984 was Isela Vega, for the movie La viuda negra

Best Leading Actress

Who won the Ariel for Best Supporting Actor in 1984?

The actor who won the Ariel for Best Supporting Actor in 1984 was Alejandro Parodi, for the movie Nocaut

Best Supporting Actor

Who won the Ariel for Best Supporting Actress in 1984?

The actress who won the Ariel for Best Supporting Actress in 1984 was Carmelita González, for the movie Motel

Best Supporting Actress

General summary of nominations and awards (Films)

Film Nominations Awards  
Bajo la metralla 7 4
The Black Widow 7 1
Knock Out 6 2
Motel 4 1
Las apariencias engañan 3 2
El tonto que hacía milagros 3 1
The heart of the night 3 1
El diablo y la dama 2 1
Deseos 2 0