
Boston Society of Film Critics 2006 by Film

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See awards by category
-25 Nominations | 1 Boston Society of Film Critics
Best Picture
Best Director
Best Ensemble Performance
-11 Nominations | -13 Boston Society of Film Critics
Best Picture
Best Director
Best Supporting Actor
Best Supporting Actor
Best Screenplay
Best Ensemble Performance
3 Nominations | 2 Boston Society of Film Critics
Best Leading Actor
Best Supporting Actress
Best New Director
3 Nominations | 1 Boston Society of Film Critics
Best Supporting Actor
Best Screenplay
Best Leading Actress
0 Nominations
Best New Director
2 Nominations | 2 Boston Society of Film Critics
Best Cinematography
Best Film Not in the English Language:
1 Nomination
Best Documentary
1 Nomination
Best Documentary
1 Nomination | 1 Boston Society of Film Critics
Best Documentary
1 Nomination
Best Film Not in the English Language:
1 Nomination
Best Cinematography
1 Nomination
Best Cinematography
1 Nomination
Best Supporting Actress
1 Nomination
Best Supporting Actor
1 Nomination
Best Supporting Actor
1 Nomination
Best Leading Actress
1 Nomination | 1 Boston Society of Film Critics
Best Leading Actor