This film is a comedy about a poor man, named Poorco. Poorco always fails in his attempt to escape from poverty. The film illustrates the social and the moral atmosphere in Bulgaria during the 1930's.1983
This is an epic screen presentation showing the creation, the consolidation and the power of First Bulgarian Kingdom and the first Bulgarian ruler Khan Asparuh.1981
The action takes place during the socialist period in Bulgaria. The central character, nicknamed the Cock is an artistic personality, a man of strong character known as the king of the pickpockets. His keen sense of personal freed...1977
The main character is a Commander of a nuclear powered submarine. Once a very promising hydroacoustics expert, he sacrificed his scientific career to devoting himself to serving his homeland as a warrior. Gradually, he figures out...1976
The events of the film are related to the Civil War in Spain. This is a film about the beauty of love - exotic and tragic and the maze of human feelings.1975https://unopeliculas.comPrivacy and cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you accept its use.
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