
Artists Entertainment Complex

Artists Entertainment Complex is an entertainment company, known for producing. Is known for producing films such as: Dog Day Afternoon (1975), Serpico (1973) and Kansas City Bomber (1972).

Films produced by Artists Entertainment Complex

  • Dog Day Afternoon
    Based upon a real-life story that happened in the early seventies in which the Chase Manhattan Bank in Flatbush, Brooklyn, was held siege by a gay bank robber determined to steal enough money for his male lover to undergo a sex ch...
    United States  1975

  • Cockfighter
    Frank Mansfield has wanted to win the Cockfighter of the Year medal for ages. Frank never speaks. After shooting his mouth off one too many times then losing a champion rooster in a casual hotel room cockfight, he swore never to s...
    United States  1974

  • Serpico
    Serpico is a cop in the early 1970s. Unlike all his colleagues, he refuses a share of the money that the cops routinely extort from local criminals. Nobody wants to work with Serpico, and he's in constant danger of being placed in...
    United States  1973

  • Kansas City Bomber
    Roller-derby skater K. C. Carr tries to balance her desire for a happy personal life and her dreams of stardom.
    United States  1972