

Palomar is an entertainment company, known for producing. Is known for producing films such as: Mostly Martha (2001), Piranhas (2019) and Hidden Away (2020).

Films produced by Palomar

  • Cosa Sarà
    As he awaits a transplant in a hospital, the main character (based on the director) flashes back to childhood and also experiences medically induced reveries.
    Italy  2020

  • Hidden Away
    Antonio is expelled from Switzerland to Italy against his will. For years he lives in poverty in the Po floodplains, but he never gives up his passion for drawing. The story of Antonio Ligabue, a revolutionary loner in modern art.
    Italy  2020

  • Piranhas
    A gang of teenage boys stalk the streets of Naples armed with hand guns and AK-47s to do their mob bosses' bidding.
    Italy  2019

  • Piuma
    Piuma is the story of Ferro and Cate, your average couple. All of a sudden, an unexpected pregnancy turns their world upside down. Hesitant and tentative, the two main characters navigate the most exciting and complicated nine mon...
    Italy  2016

  • Quando C'era Berlinguer
    "Quando c'era Berlinguer" is about the life of Enrico Berlinguer, leader of the Italian Red Party fiom 1972 to 1984; this is also the first movie of the director Walter Veltron, a politician who worked with him, as direc
    Italy  2014

  • Leopardi
    Based upon the short but fruitful life of illness-racked Italian poet and philosopher Giacomo Leopardi.
    Italy  2014

  • A Lonely Hero
    Gianni Amelio (Lamerica) directs this affecting and timely story about a middle-aged, precariously employed jack-of-all-trades in Milan, who doggedly tries to get by in an unfeeling city while trying to retain his dignity and his
    Italy  2013

  • How Strange To Be Named Federico: Scola Narrates Fellini
    The film is a reminiscence/portrait of Federico Fellini, put together by Ettore Scola on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the director’s death. In addition to the richness of the movies made by a peerless master—now the...
    Italy  2013

  • A Special Day
    Gina and Marco are both very young and are determined to be “someone.” They meet one morning in a shabby suburb at the gates of Rome. She has an appointment with a politician who could put a good word in for her and help her e...
    Italy  2012

  • Piano, Solo
    A biopic of jazz pianist Luca Flores.
    Italy  2007

  • Mostly Martha
    When a headstrong chef takes charge of her equally stubborn 8-year-old niece, the tensions between them mount... until an Italian sous-chef arrives to lighten the mood.
    Germany  2001

  • Tutti Gli Uomini Del Deficiente
    Leone Stella is a videogame billionaire who has lived an exciting life. Feeling close to death, he wants to leave the company to someone named as him, a man Leone Stella or a woman Stella Leone. A big number of contestants gather ...
    Italy  1999