
Marisol Padilla Sánchez


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Marisol Padilla Sánchez Nominations & Awards

Screen Actors Guild Awards (SAG)

Marisol Padilla Sánchez . He has nominated for an Screen Actors Guild Awards (SAG). He's known for L.A. Confidential (1997), Traffic (2000) and The End of Violence (1997).

All Movies of Marisol Padilla Sánchez

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  • The Wandering Witch (S)
    ceremony called off, only to discover that Emilia, the orphan girl betrothed to her son, still has someone ready to come to her defense'
    Mexico  2018
  • Traffic
    The film tells three seemingly disparate stories that loosely intersect and overlap, unfurling at a frantic, relentless pace. In the first, a well-intentioned Mexican police officer, Javier Rodriguez Rodriguez (Benicio Del Toro), ...
    United States  2000
  • The End of Violence
    Mike Max is a Hollywood producer who became powerful and rich thanks to brutal and bloody action films. His ignored wife Paige is close to leaving him. Suddenly Mike is kidnapped by two bandits, but escapes and hides out with his ...
    United States  1997
  • L.A. Confidential
    Take strong performances, an involved story and period atmosphere, then throw in sex, violence, corruption and politics to make one hell of a crime drama. It’s the early ‘50s. Hopefuls flock to Los Angeles, the city selling an...
    Character: Inez Soto - Víctima Violación
    United States  1997