6 episodes. Jamie (James Corden) is a chef whose world collapses when he discovers unexpected secrets about his pregnant wife, Amandine (Melia Kreiling). Jamie begins to look for answers with the help of his brother Jeff (Colin Mo...
Mini Series (2019). 10 Episodes. Set during World War II, the haunting and suspenseful 10-episode season centers on a series of bizarre deaths that haunt a Japanese-American community, and a young man’s journey to understand and...
TV Miniseries (5 episodes). Patrick Melrose (Benedict Cumberbatch) struggles to overcome the damage inflicted by a horribly abusive father (Hugo Weaving) and the mother (Jennifer Jason Leigh) who tacitly condoned his behavior... E...
Five years after the events of "Mamma Mia!", Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) is pregnant with Sky's (Dominic Cooper) child while running her mother, Donna's (Meryl Streep) villa, who has passed a year prior to the events of the...
Inspired by the incredible events surrounding an attempt to reach the summit of the world’s highest mountain, Everest documents the awe-inspiring journey of two different expeditions challenged beyond their limits by one of the ...
Walter Spackman (Noah Reid) is a young man struck by lightning. When he recovers he realizes he has acquired a telekinetic power that lets you move objects up to three inches (nearly eight inches) away.
One day, all over the world, death... stops. From CIA Agent Rex Matheson to death row inmate Oswald Danes, injuries and disease that should be fatal somehow fail to kill the victim. At the exact same time, an e-mail is sent out to...
Director Mike Leigh's high-minded telling of the story of legendary musical team Gilbert & Sullivan is one of the director’s most thorough, highly ambitious efforts. Concentrating mainly on the tumultuous period just before the ...
(1992-Today). Edina Monsoon and her best friend Patsy drive Eddie's sensible daughter, Saffron, up the wall with their constant drug abuse and outrageous selfishness. Numerous in-jokes and heavy doses of cruel humour have made thi...
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